Friday 26 June 2020

End of school year song 2020 - Coronavirus school year

Last day of school!

It was a great year together although for the last 4 months we had to meet only online, I will miss you all because as the photo above says, you were my kids for the past 10 months. I wish you all, ILARY, VALENTINA, EMANUEL, MOHAMED, FRANCESCA, DIANA, VALERIA, SVETLANA, VASILIJE, LUIGI, SAHEL, CAMILLE, MATTIA,PIETRO and ASMAA a great summer holidays. I also would like to thank your parents for the co-operation they showed throughout this scholastic year. Thanks! :)xx

Thursday 25 June 2020

Art lesson

Watch this video for a step by step of how to draw a helicopter.

It's time to move

Kids dance work out!

Story time -Thursday 25th June

Watch this video of the story 'The three little pigs'
When you are ready click on the link and do an online wordsearch about the story.
