Thursday 30 April 2020

Important notices from the head of school

30/04/20 The Headmaster's Assembly -
Today's theme is a very important one. The distribution of books and copybooks so your home schooling can continue.
In your email inbox you will find a circular issued by the education directorates regarding the rules of distribution. You will be given a date and time to pick up the books and copybooks.
Kindly note the following very important notes.
No children allowed on pick-up days. This is so queues will be smaller.
You will need to adhere to the appointment you will be given. You cannot change your appointment for no reason. You can send a family member on your behalf.
It will not be possible to pick up all the books of all your children at one go, even in cases of twins or triplets. We appreciate this is going to take some sacrifice from your end, but we cannot do otherwise. Each class will have its own time.
Distribution will take place at the school entrance. You will need to keep a distance of two metres from the persons in front and behind you. It is illegal to be in groups larger than three persons. You will enter the gate one by one, just as what is done in pharmacies and small shops. Pick your package and be on your way. Distribution should not take more than half an hour per class.
The books and copybooks would have been five - 5- days in the bags, as prepared by their teachers. We suggest you give them 5 more days without touching them. Wiped everything with disinfectant, just in case the package came in contact with an infected person.
If you feel your children are doing well and will not need the books and copybooks to carry on learning, kindly advice us so the pick up will take place at the end of the scholastic year. Phone 2598 5548 / 5549 / 5551 / 5552 / 5540
If there's anybody who is not receiving our emails and would like us to add another email address in our system
You will receive your appointments on your email, your children's email on ilearn, on sms and on this page.

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