Wednesday 20 May 2020


We have a little challenge and a competition for you. The winner will win a set of two books called 'Nitgħallem Nikkonċentra', published by Merlin Publishers. (see their picture in the comments)
All you need to do is watch this 2 minute video about being happy. You can have someone to read along with you. It has words in English (in black) and in Maltese (in blue). After that, go to j2e according to the instructions in the first comment and draw/animate/create/record yourself talking...anything that shows what makes you HAPPY. Your toys, your pets, your family, your friends...think think think! When you save your work, come here and in the comments write your name and your class, so we can find your work. The winner will be announced on the 30th of May at 8.00pm. Good?

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