Monday 30 March 2020

Morning assembly

The assembly in English.
Good morning dear readers, here is today’s assembly in English.
Today is the 30th of March. How time flies!
I hope you had a good weekend. When I was a child I used to love my weekends. They were the time when I enjoyed my parents because they didn’t work on Saturday or Sunday. During the week they were always busy with work, like many of your parents.
A couple of days ago we had the awful news that we will not be going back to school for this scholastic year. I can imagine what you felt and what you are feeling now. We are feeling the same way as you are. We would have loved to tell you how much we love you, and how proud we are of you, watching you grow in your strengths. We didn’t even get the time to hug goodbye before school shut down. We couldn’t. Even if we knew, we could not get close to each other! These are strange times indeed.
The doctors and scientists are telling us not to huge. Not to shake hands. Not to go near our grandparents. Not to visit people in hospital. Not to chat with people on the street. Shops and restaurants have closed. Our police force is going around telling people to disperse and go home. The Birkirkara market is no more. Even our festa and our mass in church are stopped. All sports activities, and all activities where people gather together. Imagine! Even the Eurovision is cancelled this year. Can you imagine how sad that made me! I already had picked up my favourite song. But that’s how things are and we have to accept them. Everything can wait.
Our health comes first.
Everything will have to wait. School and our relatives. But your education does not have to wait. Your education will and must go on. But how?
The picture here shows you how your learning will continue. Just follow your teachers’ pages for the subjects on the left hand side of the picture and the school facebook page for the subjects on the right. In the coming weeks the small pictures might change. Our school building may be closed, but our work is very much active.
For parents: If you have any trouble connecting with internet access to our educational platforms kindly:
a) Check with other parents of your class.
b) Call 2598 5540 or 2598 5548/9 during office hours.
c) Send us a message on this page.
d) If you still have problems, please phone 25981000 and speak to the Education Division’s helpline.
Today is Pets Day.
Our school is still very much alive. We are not meeting physically but we are doing it here on the internet. So our activities will carry on. Today we would like you to post a photo of your pet. Our pets have a very important role in this quarantine. They are giving us a lot of comfort and companionship. I am sure your pets are loving quarantine! So much time to spend with you!
Let us pray.
Today we will think of Pope Francis, who has asked us all to pray for him as he is praying for us.
Let us pray:
In the name of the Father…
Our Father, who art in heaven…
Hail Mary, full of grace…
Glory be, to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost…
St. Theresa, Pray for us.
In the name of the Father…
The national anthem:
Good morning!
Mr D Grech

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