Tuesday 24 March 2020

School assembly

The Assembly in English.
It's Tuesday, the 24th of March.
Good morning children! It's time for the morning assembly.
I would like to give a huge 'WELL DONE' to those of you who participated in the Superhero challenge. I would have loved to see you in your costumes or with your drawings during assembly, and hearing you talk on the microphone. Do you miss assembly?
At least we have the Internet and we meet over here!
Today mant schools are doing this challenge with us… this is a challenge you have asked for during the school council meetings…
GO get that brush, the craft material, the recycled bits and GET CREATIVE! You can also draw yourselves, your friends and even your teachers/LSEs with crazy hair, promise nobody will be offended
…OR you can take a selfie using an APP that changes your hair!
Let's see your photos! Get your family to help you out!
Books in Maltese. Download the Octavo app and get reading. This app has been made available to all kids currently staying at home.
2598 1000 – This is the number you need to phone if you have difficulties with your internet connection, computer or any online learning.
Phone also if you feel sad being away from our friends, and would like to talk to somebody, or if you are on scheme 9 and need some help. We are missing you a great deal too. During school time we feel sad when you miss school, now NOBODY is going to school!
Many of your teachers are communicating with you via ilearn, MySchool, Dojo, emails, Facebook pages or Whatsapp. We are happy many of you are keeping in touch. Well Done!
Let us pray:
In the name of the Father…
Our Father, who art in heaven…
Hail Mary, full of grace…
Glory be, to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost…
Today we offer our prayers to our Superheroes, our doctors and nurses in hospital.
St. Theresa, Pray for us.
In the name of the Father…
The national anthem :
Good morning!
Mr D Grech

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